Lover Come Back (February 1962)
February 6, 1962 LOVER COME BACK opens in New York at Radio City Music Hall, reuniting the era’s most popular screen team, Doris Day and Rock Hudson.
February 6, 1962 LOVER COME BACK opens in New York at Radio City Music Hall, reuniting the era’s most popular screen team, Doris Day and Rock Hudson.
February 5, 1962 VICTIM, a 1961 landmark British thriller starring Dirk Bogarde in an acclaimed and career-altering performance about a blackmail ring that preys on
January 22, 1962 A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE, the film adaptation of Arthur Miller’s play, opens in New York City. Despite the New York setting
January 7, 1962 MURDER, SHE SAID, a low-budget import from the UK based on the Agatha Christie mystery story, opens this week in 1962 in the
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